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Employment categories Smart Bildungswerk
Here you will find the salary categories that can be selected for the employment contract with Sm...
Employment categories Smart eG
Here you will find the salary categories that can be selected for the employment contract with Sm...
For whom? At Smart the highest Minijob category M11 corresponds to a salary of 540 EUR. You can ...
Creating orders
Create a new order as soon as you want to realize an order with your clients. You have the possib...
2. Membership and employment
Have you already taken part in the personal appointment? Here are the next steps: Become a Sma...
Reimbursement conditions
In a nutshell Professional cost and travel expenses will be reimbursed from your budge...
Deutschlandticket (Jobticket)
Smart offers the Deutschlandticket to employed members as a job ticket. The monthly costs can be ...
If you are employed via Smart, you will receive an automatically generated payslip ("Lohnzettel",...
Declaration of membership in the Portal
You can become a Smart member after attending an information session and an initial individual co...
Requesting changes
If you would like to make changes to your employment contract, you can do so by clicking on the "...
Urban Sports Club
Smart offers employee members Urban Sports Club membership as a non-cash benefit. Benefits in ki...
Deutschlandticket (Jobticket)
Smart offers the Deutschlandticket to employed members as a job ticket. The monthly costs can be ...
Urban Sports Club
Smart offers employee members Urban Sports Club membership as a non-cash benefit. Benefits in ki...
Deutschlandticket (Jobticket)
Smart offers the Deutschlandticket to employed members as a job ticket. The monthly costs can be ...
Frequently asked questions - employment contract
How is the relationship between members, clients and the cooperative contractually regulated? ...
Vacation days All our members are contractually entitled to 20 days' vacation (based on a 5-day ...
Maternity protection
What is Maternity Protection? Maternity protection is a special safeguard for women who are empl...
Sick leave
Sickness notifications are now sent electronically from the doctor to the health insurance compan...
Delegation abroad
If you bill an order via Smart and carry out this order in whole or in part outside Germany, you ...
Unemployment benefits
Do you receive unemployment benefits (ALG I) and want to work with Smart? Processing your orde...