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Declaration of membership in the Portal

You can become a Smart member after attending an information session and an initial individual consultation. We look forward to having you as part of our community of freelancers!

We will register you as a member as soon as you have completed these three formal steps:

1. First, you should register in our Smart Portal. 


2. Now you can submit your declaration of membership (Beitrittserklärung) online. Please fill in all fields. As a private person you can leave out the field Company name / Artist name.

The declaration of membership only refers to membership of the cooperative. Having filled it out does not mean that you are employed.

To apply for membership, you will need the above data and your identity card. At the end, you will be asked to accept the following privacy policy and our statutes:

  • You can find all data protection declarations in this Smart Guide under Contact and Data protection declarations.
  • You must also agree to the cooperative's articles of association before you become a member. You can find the articles of association here.
  • You also agree to receive the newsletter. On average, we send out one monthly newsletter with relevant information about the cooperative. The newsletters are an important means of communication with our members. 

Attention: Please remember to download, sign and upload the signed application in the Portal. Without this step we cannot proceed with your membership!


3. Finally, please remember to pay your share. This is a formal step that is legally required for admission to the cooperative. Joining the cooperative can only be completed once the money has been received.

You can specify how many shares you would like to buy directly in the declaration of membership. One share costs EUR 50 at Smart - this is a one-time payment. 

You can find the bank transfer information below:

50 € for a cooperative share - please transfer to the following account:

GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
IBAN: DE74 4306 0967 2050 0811 00
Please note "share" and your first and last name in the reason for payment.