If you are employed via Smart, you will receive an automatically generated payslip ("Lohnzettel", "Lohnbeleg") at the beginning of the following month, which is uploaded to the Mein.Smart portal. The payslip summarizes all the information about your employment.
The payslip is an important document and official proof of your income. You will receive it every month per e-mail and additionally you can find it in your Mein.Smart account.
On the payslip there are only the employee's shares (50%) visible. If you are employed via Smart, you must also pay the employer's share (the other 50%) from your budget. However, this is not listed on the payslip. You can see the full costs in your budget, and an orientation in the employment categories table.
Income tax statement
The Lohnsteuerbescheinigung is an income tax certificate that you receive for a full calendar year. It shows all contributions that you have paid that year. You will find this document in you Mein.Smart as well at the beginning of the following year. You might need this document for your tax declaration.
Please note that there is no income tax certificate issued for employees on a social-security free Minijob.
Statements for the social security