If you are employed via Smart, you will receive an automatically generated payslip ("Lohnzettel", "Lohnbeleg") at the beginning of the following month, which is uploaded to the Mein.Smart portal. The payslip summarizes all the information about your employment.
The payslip is an important document and official proof of your income. You will receive it every month per e-mail and additionally you can ind it in your Mein.Smart account.
This is your gross employee salary.
Please note: this is not the same amount that you invest in your employment (employment costs/employer's gross salary), as you must also pay the employer's share from your own budget, which is not included in the pay slip.
The tax line shows the deducted wage tax and church tax.
Net salary
The "Net salary" line shows the amount you receive from Smart as your salary at the end of the month.
Personal data
The payslip also contains your Sozialversicherungsnummer (SV-Nr.) and your Steuer-Identifikationsnummer (Steuer-ID) - both numbers can be found in the box at the top left.