The General Assembly - rights and obligations
Being a member of the cooperative means having the right to vote at the General Assembly, which takes place at least once a year. Voting is based on the principle of one member = one vote, regardless of how many shares the member has acquired.
The following can be subject to voting:
- Approval of the annual financial statements, the distribution of profits and losses: if the cooperative makes a profit,
- the Annual General Assembly decides how they are to be used - areas in which the profits are to be invested, such as the development of services for members (profits are not distributed to members), are then proposed for a vote;
- the discharge of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board
- the election of the Supervisory Board: the Supervisory Board has a supervisory function and advises the Executive Board and the management
The General Assembly of the Smart Cooperative usually takes place in June each year. The invitation is sent by e-mail 2 weeks before the date.
The General Assembly and voting takes place online, followed by an on-site program and get-together in Berlin.
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