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Deutschlandticket (Jobticket)

Smart offers the Deutschlandticket to employed members as a job ticket. The monthly costs can be offset against your available budget. 

DeadlineHow does is work?

WeAs needan youremployee writtenof registrationSmart you can apply for the ticket by yourself in the BVG portal. 1stYou transfer the cost of the previous month, e.g. ticket starting from January 1st till December 1st. An e-mail to is sufficient as confirmation of registration. 

If you already have your own ticket,bank youaccount shouldto cancel it ahead of time. The deadline atthe BVG isyourself. theYou 10thwill then receive a refund from your budget as part of the previouspayroll for the current month. Please contact so that we can activate your ticket as your employer and provide you with the access data for the BVG portal.

Your ticket will be sent to you directly by post. IfWith the letterDeutschlandticket does(also endknown upas atthe Smart,€49 ticket), you can pickuse itregional upand fromlocal ourpublic officetransport orthroughout weGermany. You can sendfind itout more about the conditions here.

Please note that this service is only available to youemployed bySmart mail. If you do not receive the ticket in time, please contact Smart.members.


The ticket willcurrently costcosts you 39.1246.55 per month including all employer subsidies. We will deduct this amount from your budget. From 01.01.2025, the costs will be increased to €58 (€55.10 with employer discount) per month.

You will receive your ticket directly by post.

The cost of the Jobticket €46.55 (€55.10 from 2025) will appear on your payslip.payslip Thereas youa tax-free special payment. You will findreceive the amountreimbursement €46.55.for Thisthe figuredirect includespayment VAT,to the BVG with your salary. The cost of the ticket will be covered from your budget as part of the employment costs.

Access data

You can request the ticket via the BVG portal:

You will need your Smart employer details to register on the BVG portal, which you docan notobtain pay.from OnlySmart €39.12upon willrequest. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to


For a ticket from the following month, full registration in the BVG must take place by the 10th of the previous month.
Example: For a ticket starting from December 1st, registration must be deductedcompleted fromby yourNovember budget.10th.


The subscription can be canceled monthly. To cancel, we need information from you by the 1st10th of the previous month, just as for the registration.

If you already have a private ticket and would like to apply for a Jobticket, you should cancel your existing ticket in good time. The deadline at BVG is the 10th of the previous month as well.

Step-by-step registration in the BVG-Portal


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