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Who is the sender of the invoice?

The invoice is sent by Smart and all of Smart's tax details are provided on the invoice (tax number, VAT number, billing address, account details). All other details for the invoice are taken directly from your order in the portal.

Will I receive a copy of the invoice e-mail? 

Yes, we will send all invoices to you in cc, to the contact person in the order and, if applicable, to the clients general e-mail address, if specified in the database.

My client does not need an invoice

Even if the client does not require an invoice, Smart must always issue an invoice for accounting reasons.

If the client transfers the money to us without an invoice, please create an order in the portal after receiving the money and note under 'Special agreement' that the invoice should not be sent to the client and will only be issued internally. You can also note there that the invoice has already been paid. 

In addition, you can write your own e-mail address for this client in the client profile. You will then receive the invoice in cc. The same applies to the 'Contact person' field.

Please note: Your budget will soon be linked directly to the portal. It is therefore necessary that you always create an order. Otherwise the amount will not appear in your budget.

Is it possible to issue the invoice in another language? 

All invoices are issued bilingually in German and English. Therefore, please fill in the fields in the order either in German or in English. It is not possible to issue the invoice in another language.

Is it possible to change the layout of the language? 

No, this is a standard layout in our software.

How can I view the processing status of my invoices?

Via the bar with the status of your order processing in the Smart Portal and in your budget overview on the mein.Smart.

WasWhat sollshould ichI tun,do wennif dieclients Kund*innenwant einento eigenensign Honorarvertragtheir unterzeichnenown wollen? contract?

EsIt istis möglich,possible einento separaten,have zusätzlichena Vertragseparate, mitadditional weiterencontract Detailswith zumfurther Auftragdetails zuabout haben.the Vertragspartner*inorder. beiThe weiterencontractual Verträgenpartner mussfor additional contracts must be SMartDe eG, vertretenrepresented von:by: „Dein"Your Name“name", Mehringplatz 8, 10969 Berlin sein- you Duare unterschreibsttherefore also auchsigning zusätzlicheadditional Verträgecontracts alsas Vertreter*ina derrepresentative Genossenschaft.of the cooperative. Smart benötigtrequires aufa jedencopy Fallin eineany Kopiecase - reicheplease diesesubmit bittethis imvia Zugethe derportal Auftragserstellungwhen übercreating dasthe Portalorder.

When can I skip client confirmation without losing the payment guarantee?

If you already have a signed fee contract or other written confirmation of the order with Smart and your client. If you do not have an additional contract, there is the alternative of having the client sign the Smart order form in pdf format (available in Downloads) and then uploading it to the portal.

WannCan kannI ichsend Kund*innenbestätigungadditional überspringen,files ohnewith Zahlungsgarantiethe zu verlieren?invoice?

WennNo, duunfortunately bereitsthis einenis unterschriebenennot Honorarvertragpossible. vorlegenAdditional kannst.files Wenncan duonly keinenbe zusätzlichensent Vertragfrom hast,the gibtPortal esvia diethe Alternative,order dasconfirmation process and not with the invoice. However, you will receive the invoice in cc and can then forward the additional documents to your customers yourself.

There is also the option of uploading files in the order form in the Smart AuftragsformularPortal and sending it to the client confirmation. These can be retrieved and uploaded by your client in pdfthe (zuconfirmation findenlink. inPlease Downloads)note denthat Kund*innenthe unterschreibenfiles zuare lassenno undlonger dannavailable imafter Portalconfirmation hochzuladen.because the link expires. They should therefore be downloaded if necessary.

KannCan ichmy zusätzlicheinvoice Dateienbe zusammensent mitbefore derthe Rechnungscheduled schicken?invoicing date? Can I request changes before the invoice is issued?

Nein,Draft dasinvoices istare leider nicht möglich. Du bekommst aber die Rechnung auchcreated in cc und kannst dann deinen Kund*innen die zusätzlichen Dokumente selber weiterleiten.

Es gibt auch die Möglichkeit, bereits für die Kund*innenbestätigung Dateien hochzuladen. Diese können in dem Bestätigungslink von deinen Kund*innen abgerufen und hochgeladen werden. Bitte beachte, dass die Dateien nach der Bestätigung nicht mehr verfügbar sind, weil der Link erlischt. Sie sollen also ggf. hochgeladen werden. 

Kann meine Rechnung vor dem eingeplanten Rechnungstellungsdatum geschickt werden? Kann ich noch vor der Rechnungstellung Änderungen anfragen?

Rechnungsentwürfe werden imthe Smart Portal 7 Tagedays vorbefore Rechnungsdatumthe basierendinvoice aufdate deinembased Auftragon erstellt.your Klickeorder. aufYou den gewünschten Rechnungsentwurf, prüfe, ob alles in Ordnung ist und klicke auf "Speichern und senden", um die Rechnungreceive an deinee-mail Kund*innenwith selbständigthe zuinformation versenden.that the draft has been created. Click on the invoice draft, check that everything is OK and click on "Save and send" to send the invoice to your client independently. If there is no action from your side, the invoice will be sent by Smart at the planned invoice date.

FallsIf Änderungenchanges gemachtneed werdento müssen,be kannstmade, duyou "Änderungencan beantragen" auswählen und uns im Feldselect "Begründung"Request diechanges" gewünschtenand Anpassungeninform Wirof übernehmenthe diedesired Korrekturenadjustments undin diethe Rechnungstellung."Reason" field. We will make the corrections and issue the invoice.