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Privacy Policy Smart Portal

Who we are

The protection of your personal data is of particular concern to us. Therefore, we process your data exclusively in accordance with the legal provisions. In this privacy information, we inform you about the most important aspects of data processing within the scope of our Smart Portal. This privacy policy applies to SMartDe eG, Mehringplatz 8, 10969 Berlin, and its subsidiaries. The website address is: We are the responsible entity according to data protection laws and can be contacted at

Data security

The Smart Portal is stored in the Azure infrastructure and is only accessible to the software development team of Henck GmbH through a two-step authorization process. The database containing personal data of users, members, and customers can only be accessed via a single IP address through VPN. Data transmitted through the Smart Portal is protected by SSL.

What personal data do we collect and why

This portal does not use cookies. Necessary data for login and language settings are stored in the user's browser via Local Storage. No analytics tools are used. We only collect data that is necessary for contract fulfillment and legal reporting requirements. An exception to this is users who expressly agree to be included in the newsletter distribution list.

Who we share the data with

Details of necessary data sharing for employed users are outlined in the employment contracts. We share necessary data for tax returns with our tax advisors through appropriately secured portals. Encrypted data for employment and related reporting is forwarded to the tax office, pension insurance, health insurance companies, public pension instututions, etc., via the software Stotax. We share data for payments through our online and business banking services. For unrecoverable claims related to unpaid invoices, we share customer data with the Alpenländischer Kreditorenverband (AKV). For high-value contracts, we reserve the right to obtain business information about our customers from the AKV. As a cooperative, we undergo an annual audit, and data is reviewed by the commissioned auditor from the Prüfungsverband PDK-Berlin e.V.


You have the option to subscribe to our newsletter via the Smart Portal. For this purpose, we require your name, email address, and your declaration that you consent to receiving the newsletter. Each newsletter contains an option to unsubscribe from further mailings. Simply click the "unsubscribe" button in the newsletter.

Your rights

You have the right to information, correction, deletion, restriction, data portability, revocation, and objection regarding your data. If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection laws or that your data protection rights have otherwise been violated, you can contact us. Additionally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. In Austria, this is the Datenschutzbehörde (Data Protection Authority).