- We've now created a profile for you in Eleasa as an employee. You can access it here. The logins are the following:
Kundennummer: K281232;ID: your membership number;Last name: your last name
The steps are:
- You pick your store (which you've done already);
- You communicate your login data to the store;
- You pick your bike;
- you sign the "Nutzungsüberlassungsvertrag" digitally at the store;
- You'll receive then a notification when you can pickup the bike;
- The payment is deducted in installments from your salary, so you don't have to settle to bill in advance
- Please note that concerning bike accessories, only these that are screwed on to the bike can be part of the leasing (so helmets should be purchased individually, for instance)
Based on the info you sent us; you now have an available budget of up to 8500 EUR for the bike + accessories. Should you need a higher sum, please let us know and we'll adapt it.